Monday, January 5, 2009

Mock Case Background

First let's get fired up by listening to a real Supreme Court case argued in the background as we work on this.

Here are some reputable sites for primary source information:
Interactive Constitution- Bill of Rights and explanation
Oyez- cases with description and decisions
Landmark Cases- In depth descriptions of key legal issues and cases
Bill of Rights Institute- Amendment explainer with link to case descriptions

Here are some case specific sites that might help . . .
Freedom of Religion
HippoCampus and Establishment Clause: Be Sure to check out the Lemon Case
Explanation of Establishment Clause
List of relevant cases
Abington School District v. Schempp
Illinois law

Freedom of Speech (Symbolic)
Tinker Case
Texas flag case

Freedom of Speech (Plus)
Morse Case
Student Speech

Search and Seizure
TLO case

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