Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, January 5, 2009

Mock Case Background

First let's get fired up by listening to a real Supreme Court case argued in the background as we work on this.

Here are some reputable sites for primary source information:
Interactive Constitution- Bill of Rights and explanation
Oyez- cases with description and decisions
Landmark Cases- In depth descriptions of key legal issues and cases
Bill of Rights Institute- Amendment explainer with link to case descriptions

Here are some case specific sites that might help . . .
Freedom of Religion
HippoCampus and Establishment Clause: Be Sure to check out the Lemon Case
Explanation of Establishment Clause
List of relevant cases
Abington School District v. Schempp
Illinois law

Freedom of Speech (Symbolic)
Tinker Case
Texas flag case

Freedom of Speech (Plus)
Morse Case
Student Speech

Search and Seizure
TLO case

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Personal Freedoms and Legal Protections

Let's first take this first amendment test see how strong our knowledge is.

Watch the search and seizures video, you can also use the text section to better understand our legal protections.
what's the background of our legal protections?
What does the fourth amendment protect?
Be sure to include probable cause in key terms.
What places provide are included in the privacy protections of the fourth amendment where is your privacy not extended to?

Also check out the New Jersey v. TLO case
What is the precedent set by this case? How does this affect the rights of students, how is it different than the rights extended to adults under the 4th amendment?

Watch the video about self incrimination.
Why did the Bill of Rights include a provision about self incrimination?
How would this apply to the idea that the US shouldn't torture in our war on terrorism?

What do legal rights does the 6th amendment guarantee?
What constitutes speedy?
What's public, what's too public?

What does the 8th amendment prohibit?
What is the difference between Furman v. Georgia and Gregg v. Georgia?